
The Good, The Bad, and The Hilarious of Parenting

Top 10 Most Important Manners According To Parents

on February 21, 2012
Top 10 Most Important Manners According to ParentsParents want their children to shine when they interact with others. According to a number of surveys, they say they most want their kids to:

  1. Always say “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me.”
  2. Write thank you notes for gifts.
  3. Look people in the eye when speaking to them.
  4. Pick up clothes left on the floor; put dirty dishes in the dishwasher.
  5. Wait their turn to speak rather than interrupt.
  6. Use proper table manners.
  7. Be thoughtful and considerate of others – especially about opening doors and offering seats to older people.
  8. Listen when others speak and respond clearly when spoken to.
  9. Respect the privacy and property of others
  10. Have good phone manners.

None of the above is impossible to achieve and all are traits and practices that will stand your children in good stead when they are adults, too. With just a little persistence and role modeling, your kids will make you and themselves proud! (This was found on a web page — not my creation)

7 responses to “Top 10 Most Important Manners According To Parents

  1. katejohns says:

    I’m seriously thinking of copying this and posting this where my 13 year will see it. Nobody does snail mail anymore. And kids don’t talk on the phone anymore. Good luck!!

  2. […] Good, The Bad, and The Hilarious of Parenting « Top 10 Most Important Manners According To Parents Feb […]

  3. t.on.air says:

    I think point 3 depends on the environment you are in though. In Asia, for example, people avoid to look in the eye.

  4. […] Top 10 Most Important Manners According To Parents — I wrote this way back in February and this was the most popular post this week.  I would like to know if you agree with these as the top 10 most important manners. […]

  5. […] Top 10 Most Important Manners According To Parents – Believe it or not, this is still the most popular post for the last two weeks.  I think it is a statement that parents want their children to develop good manners.  I would like to know if you agree with these as the top 10 most important manners. […]

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